Halabja Disabled Organization (HDO)

Khoshy Park Opening Ceremony

Khoshy Park Opening Ceremony

Today On June 20, 2021, Halabja disabled organization (HDO) in attendance of all the governmental authorities, political parties, NGOs, and media channels opened khoshy Park.

The ceremony started with a welcoming speech by Mr.Mariwan Wahbi, HDO General Director, and he talked about the importance of the project of “Improving accessibility and inclusion for people living with impairments" which works on these themes Capacity building of the HDO members, Khoshy Park Renovation with accessibilities for persons with disabilities, Environment protection awareness and identifying a new approach of increasing interest and productivity in the agriculture sector

On the other part of the ceremony, Mr. Osaman Anwar Khurmal District Director Gave a speech and thanked both of HDO and HIA organizations to implement this project in the Khurmal district and wished all the success in the future projects for both Organization.

Lastly, the HIA organization representative thanked HDO, volunteers, and government officials for their support of the project.

However, she said HIA is committed to supporting peoples with disabilities, NGOs' capacity building in the future.

Time Publish   20-06-2021
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